Art is science made clear.

– Jean Cocteau

RecombinantDNA is a performance cycle created by multi-media artist Honora Foà. The first piece in the cycle is The Birth of Color, A Marriage of Darkness and Light, a creation story that pictures the opening of the universe as an unfolding of vibrational frequencies, as is told in the ancient Indian Vedas.  But this opera uses new scientific understandings of dark matter and dark energy, the insights of Goethe’s color theory of perception and the joys of the latest astrophysics, as the illustration of its tale.

The story is told with narration, but the whole Frequency Opera is essentially an oratorio, with music written by Lucio Ivaldi. The audience is surrounded by the singers and by lights, lasers and projections which immerse them in an unfolding octave and spectrum, as the colors come into being.

The Birth of Color, A Marriage of Darkness & Light was performed in Budapest as an official selection of the Budapest International Art Festival in 2016.

Field of Desire, the second Frequency Opera, is an animated hour long film that is currently making the film festival rounds, having been chosen for three festivals to date.

Mr&MrsHades and Blood&Breath are both in production. Blood&Breath will have its premiere in Rome, Italy in October 2023.

The works in the RecombinantDNA cycle are

THE BIRTH OF COLOR, A Marriage of Darkness&Light

FIELD OF DESIRE, A Marriage of Energy&Matter 

MR&MRS HADES, A Marriage of Death&Life





All are love stories, whose underlying image is the genius and sacrifice of sexual reproduction and the ever more breathtaking wonder of DNA.

God made everything out of nothing, but the nothingness shows through.

– Paul Valery