Mythic Imagination

Once again turn your thoughts to that ancient jewel, to Alexandria, great city of learning. Re member another brilliant thinker….another in touch with Thoth and Maat….for in seeking to understand the workings of the planets, and probing into mathematics and philosophy besides astronomy, Hypatia of Alexandria stands firmly as perhaps one of the first women teachers of great learning.

My heart quickens…something is wrong…..chaos is near…..yet again?

Again! Dis memberment…..

Consulted for her esteemed opinion like Osiris, she too fell to the dark forces of chaos,  murdered in a fierce political and religious upheaval. Yet her brilliance like a star continues to shine on and to inspire……

KMT…Egypt! The very name is synonymous with civilization!  Egypt, both generator and protector of wisdom! See the flowering of great scholarship in the fertile land of KMT. For while the rest of the world fell into darkness, the great minds in Egypt copied the treasures of the past, preserving for all, knowledge that would have surely been lost for all time….not only saving that which was written but advancing it with new creative thinking……


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I swim in the bustle of activity…..a fluttering pair of wings in a sea of honey making, queen making, hive making…….golden honey dripping, dripping , dripping, melting the sorrow that weighs the heart….honey dripping, dripping dripping….coloring the Egyptian sands…..honey dripping, dripping, dripping, sweet pure, golden soft honey…..making brighter the sun that warms……making more joyous, the laughter that flows from the hearts…..

Yes! And now you re member…..you re member true union…..what it feels like…..the essence that is Egypt, that which is part of all memory….the beginning…the birth of all that is from that which is uncreated, eternal and unending….

Egypt!  Sun kissed hive dripping honey:, art, architecture, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics ....The beating of the wings of the hive resonating with the potter’s wheel….golden honey: sweetness, flowing through the heart, nourishment for the soul….honey dripping, dripping, dripping….

Re member….and hold well to these memories for the forces of chaos, of Seth, live on in all who fail to hear the voices of Thoth and Maat, of wisdom and justice, of all who fail to listen and re member….The ways of life’s journey are as many as life’s travelers….and there are many detours and dangerous paths…..without Thoth and Maat,  the guidance of wisdom and justice, there is only wandering…..wandering and the temporary amusement of one’s own empty thoughts…..thoughts that live on like Seth, cutting through union, giving power to the illusion of separation.

Re member……re member the surging light emerging from darkness….

Re member the first words uttered from the Nun….. words of companionship, of union, of communication ……bridging the gap that separates…..joining us as one….in the struggles and joys of our brothers and sisters…..spread across the globe like the broken body of Osiris…..waiting….seeking union……

Let us re member…..And now....once again cast your gaze upon beloved Egypt....Look now, today at the crowds below you....the many that fill Tahrir Square....

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