Mythic Imagination

The Great of Great took a mighty breathe and blew fiercely into the quiet…The first words spoken , Wisdom and Justice, were thus birthed into being. They bore the names Thoth and Maat….In this way the Great of Great, remaining hidden in the Nun, established a link between the eternal mind of love and the newly created manifest…..Through Thoth and Maat communion was thus set up……working in silence, in dreams…in quiet places where the heart is open.

Honey dripping upon my heart……sweetness beyond all joy. Re membrance….yes, the beginning and the destination of this pilgrimage called life….Re membering to be still…to hear Wisdom and Justice…..to accept their guidance….

And so it was Egypt came into being….heaven upon earth….gift of love of the Great of Great….cradle of civilization….Egypt …..Each grain of sand sacred for each came into being from love ……so it was….all forms carried this grain of love….what is called life, the participation in the manifestation of being, of arising into the world of form from the formless eternal dwelling of the Nun, from the impulse of love of the Great of Great, The Hidden One.

Wisdom and Justice….Thoth and Maat…. Joy drowning in sorrow! I re member more and what I re member pierces me! Such agony! Such darkness!…..

Words…..Words which breathe truth and justice, which pour forth kindness and compassion are balm to life, the essence of re memberment….. while words which hiss with malevolence, which poison with greed, with ego laden envy are daggers of dis memberment…..

My heart, my heart…. a stone within my chest….laboring under the weight of dis memberment…

Come!  Move on.....there is much to see! Rise up....
My light body arches high above Egypt….I am heaven’s dome over the sacred land…

See from the heavenly heights the flower of Egypt….the Blue Nile flowing from Ethiopia and the White Nile streaming from the Sudan, uniting as one, continuing on,  flowing over the cataracts, flowing through the great land, embraced by the fertile banks….moving, ever reaching for the lotus of the Delta.

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See the joyous people.  Feel the love which radiates freely from each…brothers and sisters of the Sun….

Watch as the first pyramid rises in Saqqara.  Incredible genius, incredible feat of architecture….

Speak the name with reverence: Imhotep.   The very name invokes peace….

Imhotep: Vizier, philosopher, doctor, priest…..freely open to the twin voices of Wisdom and Justice, companion of Thoth and Maat…..

See the flowering civilization that springs up along with Nile valley….

Re member….re member the seed of dis memberment that invaded this beloved land…..

I am suspended outside time and space….a light body transparent to the starry night….filled with the heavens….and yet at the same time heavy with memory of disunion….of dis memberment…..My head spins round….and I hear the voice…the story begins…..

In a time long ago there once lived a great king, Osiris was his name. He ruled Egypt with wisdom and compassion, seeking humbly the guidance of Thoth and Maat that he rule in harmony with the heart of the Great of Great. He brought the skills of agriculture to the people while his loving spouse, Isis, instructed the wives on womanly arts, weaving, on healing, on cookery. Beloved by all, they brought peace and prosperity to the land.

Re member! See how the Nile flows! See how it spills its sweet fertility upon the black land! Regard its rulers , their hearts open in communion to the voices that speak from the silence. They keep re membrance alive….Well do they know the words of Thoth and Maat.

Yet there were, as there remain today, those who chose not to re member. They were not willing to dismiss their personal desires for those of Wisdom and Justice. They do not move in the rhythm of the great wheel....

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